Emergency Dentistry

Emergency Dentistry in Houston, TX

If you need emergency dental care near you, Dr. Newlin will alleviate pain and get you smiling again. At Lux Dental Studio, our friendly and experienced team is well equipped to deliver top-notch treatments. We work together to carefully coordinate your urgent care when time is of the essence. In an emergency, come to us for a same-day appointment.

Sedation dentistry options are available for patients that need it. It is always our goal to keep you comfortable and calm, especially during a stressful visit. If you have experienced dental trauma or other time-sensitive condition, call Lux Dental Studio right away.

What to Do if You Knock Out a Tooth

Knocking out a tooth can be very scary. This situation is particularly problematic if you lose an adult tooth or a baby tooth before it is due to fall out naturally. In these emergency cases, you must follow these first aid instructions. Doing so will allow for the best possible outcome:

  • Contact our emergency dentistry in Houston, TX, immediately. We will try to get you in for a same-day appointment.
  • Locate the avulsed tooth and gently rinse it with warm water.
  • If possible, place the tooth back in the socket. If this step is not an option, put it in a container of milk or a small plastic bag.
  • Manage any bleeding with fresh gauze or cotton balls, and get to Lux Dental Studio as fast as possible.

Emergency Dentistry Near You

Dr. Newlin provides same-day appointments for patients who need urgent care. Our staff believes that no one should ever have to wait for emergency dental treatment. When possible, we encourage you to contact us before showing up for a walk-in visit. Calling ahead will allow us to assess your problem and guide you through some basic first aid, so you are better prepared when you see our dentist in Houston, TX. However, we understand that sometimes it is impossible to call first. If you are in severe pain or bleeding heavily, please come into our Houston, TX dental office without an appointment. You will be examined and treated as soon as possible.

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